It was held on the 21st. International scientific conference on Tara

It was held on the 21st. International scientific conference on Tara

Challenges of international law

It was held on the 21st. International scientific conference in Tara called “Challenges of international law” in the conditions of the corona virus.

More than 70 judges, prosecutors, lawyers and scientific workers from the country and abroad participated. A book by Prof. Dr. Pino Archacci, former undersecretary in the UN in charge of the fight against crime, was also presented at the Conference. One of the creators of the UN Convention from Palermo.

Prof. Dr. Milenko Kreća and Prof. Dr. Miroslav Baljak became new members of the International All-Slavic Academy of Sciences

During the breaks of the Conference, the participants were able to enjoy themselves, and Dejan Lazarević with his orchestra was inevitable for a picnic lunch.